
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Travel Summaries: 16 hour Flight to Israel with Two Toddlers

This mom in her late 20s took a trip from their home in the USA to visit relatives in Israel. Her travel buddies were her husband and of course their two small girls (aged 1 and 3). In the best of circumstances, this is at least a 16 hour flight. Piece of cake right? :)

Here is her summary of how to cope with long distance international air travel with toddlers on board: 

I found it [air travel] annoying in U.S. but pleasant in Israel. When leaving Israel people were patient with us, the flight crew came over to let us know they blocked two seats off in the row behind us so we can have extra room. In the U.S. the security guy made it seem that I should be thankful that he let me take my travel size sealed container of Jiffy peanut butter on the plane!

It’s hard, people suggest drugging your kids.

The best thing we found was lollipops. Yes, the things that are hard and round, the same size as a soft grape that you would never give your kids without cutting were the most helpful. It takes a while for them to finish and keeps their mouths watered and during take-off and landing that helps their ears. More so then a drink that gets gobbled right up! Of course if you’re nursing you should nurse during take-off/landing.

We buy new toys specifically for the plane from the dollar store so that when your kids drops it you don’t have to crawl all over the plane looking for a crayon from a box you bought for $1.

For international, check before flying. They usually have built-in TVs with kids' shows so you don’t need to bother carrying the portable DVD player or laptop. The flight we just took even had a USB port so you could bring some media with you. The dollar store sells cheap headphones which is a good way to save versus buying the $5 plane headphones that they sell.

One thing to add to airport security, is that EVERYTHING has to be taken off, coats, shoes etc but also TOYS. If the kids are holding any toys, you have to take it away from them. So the best thing to do is try not to give them a doll or toy to hold onto until AFTER security.

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